
Those with hearing difficulties are in far greater danger in a fire incident especially whilst asleep. Defguard is a wire-free vibrating solution which communicates the activation of the fire alarm to people who otherwise have no way of knowing that there is danger in the building. The Fire Alarm Warning System consists of a moveable … Continued

Hardware & Accessories

The final touches that door handles and door hardware give to the total décor of any premises make a big difference.  Alberta source the handles, hinges, locks, overhead door closers, door stoppers, pull handles, kick plates and other accessories available in stainless steel, aluminium and brass, only from the best suppliers worldwide. This means that … Continued

Timber/Metal Fire rated doors

Fire doors will compartmentalise your home into areas, protecting the rest of the premises from the room/s in which the fire has broken.  They are recommended for underground garages, basements and lift lobbies. Alberta supplies certified 30 minutes and 60 minutes fire-rated timber doors and 30 minutes, 60 minutes and 120 minutes metal fire doors. … Continued

Home Intercom System

HikVision Residential Intercom System Overview: If you’re looking for a reliable and budget friendly home intercom system, than this HikVision’s System is your best bet! It integrates cutting-edge technology with user-friendly features to enhance the safety and connectivity of your home. This system is designed to provide residents with secure, reliable communication and control over … Continued


Your safety and security is our top priority.   This is why we have created a dedicated user manual.  Each manual contains a step by step guide for basic troubleshooting.  Here you can download a copy of our user instructions manuals for your home alarm system.   Please identify the name of the brand and download the … Continued

X’jista’ jitqies bħala emerġenza?

L-ikbar prijorità tagħna hi s-sigurtà u l-protezzjoni tiegħek. Aħna nkunu lesti għal li jista’ jinqala’ 24/7. Tista’ titqies bħala emerÄ¡enza kull sitwazzjoni li toħloq riskju immedjat fuq is-saħħa, il-ħajja, il-propjetà jew l-ambjent. Dawn is-sitwazzjonijiet normalment jiÄ¡u bla stennija u jkun hemm bżonn tittieħed azzjoni immedjata. Madankollu, mhux kulma jiÄ¡ri jista’ jitqies bħala emerÄ¡enza. Hawn taħt … Continued

What constitutes as an emergency?

Your safety and security is our top priority. We are on standby for emergencies 24/7. An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or the environment. Such situations are usually unexpected and require immediate action. However, not everything constitutes as an emergency. The following scenarios are what Alberta regards … Continued

Maintenance Agreements

A maintenance and servicing plan ensures that your system will continue to work in perfect order. Any equipment needs regular servicing and upkeep and may require some repair. Maintaining your system in good shape means ensuring maximum component life and lower system down-time. In order to benefit from added value and commitment, you are provided … Continued

Troubleshooting FAQs

You may want to clear the keypad display history after an alarm event. The process of resetting your keypad varies from system to system. Reset instructions for Alberta most popular systems can be found on the manual. Wara li ddoqq l-alarm xi kultant ikun hemm bżonn tikklirja t-tastiera tas-sistema. Il-proÄ‹ess ivarja minn sistema għall-oħra. L-istruzzjonijiet … Continued


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Solutions as unique as your home and business. We provide custom fire protection and fire security packages to suit your unique needs and budget. One investment. A lifetime of protection.

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